Solo Exhibition at the Gallery of Slovenian Cultural Centre KOROTAN
Art Exhibition Review
Ksenja Hauptman’s Painting on Silk
When one feels the need for artistic expression, is usually at the beginning of ones work, at various crossroads in the search for techniques and modes of expression. It is good for the prospective artist to presently decide how to reflect his or her emotional views on the world. Ksenja Hauptman felt at the very beginning of her artistic path that silk painting enables her to express her views and feelings about presented motives.
Silk as the material and special colours require an extremely subtle attitude to work, therefore the artist through the motives of flowers in her early works, which holds a more decorative touch, investigated how to achieve a clean painting colourfulness and the character of the motive. On her creative path she brings us to artistically sophisticated paintings which are compositionally and colourfully harmonized. Besides the images itself, flower motives radiate entire visible and hidden colour content and arouse different feelings of pleasure in the observer.
No artist is ever satisfied with the achieved level of expression and is consequently looking for a more complete way of expression. Ksenja Hauptman therefore decided to transfer her experience on a new level of painting expressiveness. She embarked herself in a serious study of zodiac signs and was searching for assigned flowers in the context of the meaning, colours and characteristics of individual zodiac sign. With her experience and acquired knowledge she conjured an extremely interesting and unusual collection of zodiac signs. With this manner of work, even thou confronted with realistic motives of flowers, she operates in that part of contemporary art that deals with psychological effects of colour and shape on people.
Finally, let me emphasize that Ksenja Hauptman began a new chapter of her work, which she further develops.
Ljubomir Zidar
Academic Sculptor and Restorer,
Master of Arts
Vienna, 11th September 2014